Lisa Brighton Photography

3. Market Day

It’s my last morning here on the Amazon, and I’m excited to be in a skiff headed to the small community of Nauta for their weekly market day.  There’s a slight mist in the air, but it feels refreshing to me after the past few days of intense heat and humidity.  I’ve been warned that […]

6. Food and Flowers

What has surprised me most about Peru is the incredible food.  No one told me about this hidden gem in the country.  Each day I fall more in love with its aromas and flavors, and I’m not even a “foodie”.  I am, however, someone who travels to many countries where the food sometimes challenges my palate.  […]

1. Merkato

I jump out of the way, barely avoiding another crash with a donkey.  Wow, that was close…  The pile of baskets on its back is so high that I doubt it’s able to see.  It’s a challenge to find a clear path with this congestion, and lugging my heavy camera gear adds another layer of […]

10. By a Thread

The woman sits on the floor of a traditional dying and weaving workshop.  She takes white thread and wraps it around a spinning wheel, which is connected to another spinning wheel.  The thread is then fed onto a large spool in front of her.  I can tell that she has been working hard because she’s […]