

Travel, photography and writing are three of my passions, and I have known since I was very young that I was born to travel.  At 10 years old, I took my first airplane trip to New York City.  As a small-town girl from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the city seemed enormous and very glamorous, and I loved the experience of being there.  Even then, traveling, meeting people and exploring new environments felt very comfortable to me.  While I was flying home on that Air Canada flight, I knew that when I grew up there would be many more flights in my future.  Now, I am grown up, and my sense of adventure and curiosity for foreign countries and cultures continues to develop.  My travels have brought me to almost every continent and introduced me to a fair share of new people.  Since I’m a humanitarian at heart and I’ve learned that we are all connected and in one another’s lives for a reason, I always find it interesting to watch how a journey unfolds and how I learn from it.  One such journey was my pilgrimage through India in 2009.  On that trip I met with a guru who told me about aspects of myself I had yet to discover, particularly about becoming a writer.  When he said, “You will write two books,” I incredulously shook my head “no”— even though something about his statement felt right.  He confidently said, “yes” and pointed to my life chart.  “It is written,” he said, staring deeply into my eyes.  I started to tremble and chills covered my body.  I’d seen things like this happen in movies — now it was happening to me…  Fast forward to my life now: I have a website and blog, and I’m writing a book that chronicles not only the life-changing events of my quest through India but also tells the story of my adoption (which the guru also knew about) and the search for my birthparents and half-siblings…  But that’s another story…  The anecdotes I share here are about some of the people whom I’ve connected with in my global travels.  You will see their images and read a little bit about the lives they lead.  You will also read about how I respond to them.  Photography and writing have become a beautiful instrument of connectivity through which I share my experiences.  It is my hope to utilize what I’ve learned and create a non-profit foundation focused on education.  Thank you for visiting my website.  I invite you to explore what I’ve created.  I consider it a privilege to experience what I do, and I consider it an honor to connect you with other people and places around the world.  Peace, LB.

lisa-brighton_8205_15146-1_H001Lisa, Age 10, J.F.K. Airport, New York